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0724635700 0705426931
0724635700 0705426931
Machinery Breakdown insurance is an accident Insurance cover for Machinery, which provides cover against unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to the Insured machinery.
Majority of losses in machines are usually very costly and cover for machinery makes the financial risks involved to become more manageable.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
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Excellent Customer Service
Chester House, 1st Floor
Koinange Street
0724635700 / 0705426931