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0724635700 0705426931
0724635700 0705426931
Customs and imports bonds ensure that goods which are pending payment of duties are not smuggled into the local market without payment. Should the untaxed goods end up in the market; the insurer will meet the duty payable by the insured. Customs bonds are given for goods in transit through the country or those produced in duty free zones targeting the export markets. Import bonds are given to cover duty for goods imported into the country.
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Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
Complete the form below, and we’ll send you a quote on the insurance you’re interested in. It’s that simple.
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Chester House, 1st Floor
Koinange Street
0724635700 / 0705426931